Now in its twelve year, Queensland Conservatorium Research Centre (QCRC) has been functioning as a high-profile driver for research and development at Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University. As recognition for contributions to research in the creative and performing arts it was selected for the Vice Chancellors Award for Research Excellence by a Team in 2012.

Well embedded in one of the leading institutions for higher music education in the Asia-Pacific with some 1500 students and $100m worth of dedicated infrastructure at the heart of the cultural precinct of Brisbane, QCRC both profits from and nurtures this strong practice-based environment.

QCRC secures in excess of a million dollars a year in competitive grants for research and artistic experimentation in addition to the same amount from within Griffith University, running over forty research, creative and major publication projects at any one time.

The outcomes of these efforts are visible in academic publications; CDs and DVDs creatively exploring new knowledge, musical approaches, and technology; and a series of creative events bringing together research, learning and teaching, arts management, production, and community engagement.

The latter range from the iPod opera iOrpheus (2007) to three in-depth explorations of intercultural meetings in Encounters (2005, 2007, 2010, 2013), and Crossbows (2012, 2014), a festival celebrating small ensembles, showing the centrality of inspired curatorship and reflective practice in shaping music and musicians for the future.

Professor Huib Schippers, Director Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University